
Special Terms
spending spree 消费热,购买狂潮
debt loads 债务负担,债务量
accounting practices 会计实务,会计惯例
share price 股票价格
quality of earnings 收益质量
investment banker 投资银行
global leadership position 全球领先地位
service(sb's) debt 偿还债务利息
debt payment 债务偿还
discount 折扣
secondary market 二级市场
initial public offering(IPO) (股票)首次公开发行
Companies Shopped—Now They've Dropped shop 原意是“买东西,购货”,此处指企业的收购和兼并行为;
post-Enron world 安然之后的世界
JP Morgan Chase & Co. JP Morgan Chase & Co. is a global financial services firm with operations in over 60 countries. The Company's principal bank subsidiaries are The Chase Manhattan Bank, Morgan Guaranty Trust Company and Chase Manhattan Bank USA, National Association. Its principal non-bank subsidiaries are its investment bank subsidiaries, Chase Securities Inc. (CSI) and J.P. Morgan Securities Inc. (JPMSI). JP Morgan Chase's activities are internally organized into five business franchises (Investment Bank, Investment Management & Private Banking, Treasury & Securities Services, JPMorgan Partner and Retail & Middle Market Financial Services). In November 2001, the Company merged its two lead banks, The Chase Manhattan Bank and Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of New York. The name of the merged bank is JPMorgan Chase Bank. JP摩根
DuPont Co. (DD) The company was started on the 19th July 1802 by E.I DuPont, who began a gunpowder works on the banks of the Brandywine River near Wilmington, Delaware, USA. The company has had its primary interests firmly rooted in the chemical industry. According to its 1998 annual report, DuPont is not leaving this behind and describes itself as a science company. In 1999, it made 3 significant changes to its business. Firstly, it sold its energy business, Conoco. Secondly, it bought Merck's 50% share of the DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company and renamed it the DuPont Pharmaceutical Company. Thirdly, it acquired Company and renamed it the Du Pont Pharmaceutical Company. Thirdly, it acquired the remaining 80% of Pioneer Hi-Bred. These three events reinforced Du Pont's position as a life sciences company. 杜邦公司
Liquidity squeeze liquidity :the degree to which an asset can be quickly and cheaply turned into money which, by definition, is completely liquid A current account bank deposit is a liquid asset because it can be withdrawn immediately at little cost; an office building, by contrast, will take a considerable time to dispose of and estate agent’s fees and other costs will be incurred. A company or individual is said to be liquid if a high proportion of its or his assets are held in the form of cash or readily marketable securities. 偿债能力,流动性
Liquidity squeeze:头寸紧张