
take on 从事,开始对付
  1. The president said that junior managers should take on extra responsibilities.
  2. He will take on the difficult issue as soon as he winds up the project on hand
as a complement to 作为对…的补充
  1. Some proposals have been raised as a complement to the corporate plan.
  2. To a certain extent, these measures were taken as a complement to our economic reforms.
run into a brick wall 遇到麻烦,碰壁
  1. Our plan seems to have run into a brick wall.
turn a cold eye/blind eye to/ toward… to ignore something that you know is wrong; to pay no attention to对…冷漠
  1. Teachers were turning a blind eye to smoking in school.教师对在学校抽烟的现象熟视无睹。
  2. The police turned a blind eye to this problem.警方对这一问题不予理睬。
  3. It seems that quite a few executives have turned a cold eye toward the ambitious project.
fall out of favor with… 失宠,不再受欢迎
  1. Your style and pattern have already fallen out of favor with the market.
under scrutiny 被仔细审查
  1. The election process is under close scrutiny by the election commission.
  2. The government record will come under close scrutiny in the weeks before the election.
pay down 当场支付,用现金支付
  1. The bank demand the outstanding debts be paid down within 6months.
mark a return to… 标志着回到…
  1. The recent actions by the trading partners mark a return to trade liberalization.
strip away 剥夺
  1. The company has decided to strip away his pension right.
be weighed down with 被…压倒,使烦恼
  1. The little girl was weighed down with anxieties.
  2. All the members of the sales department feel they are very much weighed down with sales quotas.
(remain/be) in compliance with 遵照,依从
  1. Your act is apparently not in compliance with the contract stipulations.
  2. In compliance with the law, every motorcycle must be registered at the local police station.
pan out 结果好;成功
  1. He didn't pan out as an actor so he returned to school.
  2. No one in the company doubts that the plan will pan out.
make good 兑现(诺言)
  1. I am confident that he will make good his promise.
on the books 账上,账本上
  1. Debts on the books of the corporation have kept rising recently.
  2. There is still a large sum of money left on the books.
all too used to mean 'very' when talking about, usually, a bad situation很
  1. In these conditions it was all too easy to make mistakes.在这些条件下很容易犯错误。
  2. The holidays flew by all too quickly.假日过得太快了。