
The number of international travelers and tourists has risen, now averaging almost three million people daily… The number of international travelers and tourists has risen, now averaging almost three million people daily…
The Internet is also an unprecedented means for disseminating ideology to a global audience, whether it is pro-democracy activists in Serbia rerouting maintaining their own online news service. 互联网也是一种向全球听众传播意识形态的前所未有的方式,不论是塞尔维亚亲民主的激进分子将持不同政见的电台广播转移到互联网还是车臣的反叛者维护它们自己的在线新闻服务(都反映了这种情况)。
For the United States, cross-border flows of bonds and equities alone are 54 times higher now than they were in 1970. 对美国而言,淡淡占全和股票跨国界的流量就是1970年的54倍
equity意为“股票”,尤其指普通股股票 (common stock)。
The data from our broad spectrum of developed and developing markets suggest that global economic integration has wound down to something of a crawl. 来自我们(挑选的)众多发达市场和发展中市场的数据表明,全球经济一体化已经放慢到了缓慢爬行的程度。
wind down 意为“放缓,放松”
(to relax, to unwind);
The chief culprit was the series of financial crises that rippled through Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Russia in the late 1990s. 罪魁祸首是在90年代晚期波及整个东南亚,拉丁美洲和俄罗斯的一系列金融危机。
Strong growth in portfolio investments and foreign direct investment helped to moderate these declines… 有价证券投资和外国直接投资的强劲增长减缓了这些趋势…
portfolio investment 指“有价证券” (Investment in securities such as stocks and bonds)。
The Asian flu is partly to blame, since the financial crisis undermined the entire region’s economic performance. 这部分归咎于亚洲“流感”,因为这场金融危机损害了整个地区的经济表现。
亚洲流感(Asian flu)比喻1997年爆发的亚洲金融危机。这场危机始于泰国,先扩散到东南亚,后来扩散到整个亚太地区,并对全世界的经济产生了极大震荡。其来势之迅猛,波及面之广,造成的后果之严重,都是亚洲经济发展史上罕见的。
At first glance, these trends lend credence to the popular notion that globalization is fast creating a world that, as former Citicorp Chairman Walter Wriston put it, is "tied together in a single electronic market moving at the speed of light". 1、these trends lend credence to the popular notion是主句
2、"that globalization … speed of light”是同位语从句,说明notion的内容,其中:"that, as former Citicorp … of light”是个限制性定语从句,修饰名词“world”其中:
1)as former Citicorp Chairman Walter Wriston put it是由as引导的方式状语从句,修饰谓语动词“is tied”
2)现在分词短语moving at the speed of light作定语,修饰名词“market”
The most globalized countries are small nations for which openness allows access to goods, services, and capital that cannot be produced at home. 1、The most globalized countries are small nations是主句
2、for which openness …home 是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“nations”,其中限制性定语从句that cannot be produced at home修饰名词“goods, services, and capital”
The Netherlands, for instance, benefits from (among many other factors) its position at the head of the Rhine, which knits together countries that account for almost three quarters of total Dutch trade. 1、The Netherlands benefits from (among many other factors) its position at the head of the Rhine 是主句
2、which knits together countries that account for almost three quarters of total Dutch trade 是非限制性定语从句,修饰名词“the Rhine”,其中that account for almost three quarters of total Dutch trade 是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“countries”
Within only a few short years, the Dutch have both invested heavily in other countries and seen foreign participation in their own economy rise to levels that few other nations have been willing or able to sustain. 1、Within only a few short years, the Dutch have both invested heavily in other countries and seen foreign participation in their own economy rise to levels是主句,其中的“rise to levels”是省去符号“to”的动词不定式,作谓语动词“have seen”后宾语“foreign participation in their own economy”的补足语,对宾语进行补充说明
2、that few other nations have been willing or able to sustain是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“levels”
Singapore could slip from the lead in the coming years, as countries that are better positioned to benefit from global communications technology or that are more aggressive about reforms to attract foreign trade and investment develop stronger ties with their neighbors. 1、Singapore could slip from the lead in the coming years是主句
2、as countries that … their neighbors是时间状语从句,说明主句中谓语动词“could slip”发生的时间,其中:that are better positioned to benefit from global communications technology 和 that are more aggressive about reforms to attract foreign trade and investment是两个并列的限制性定语从句,都修饰名词“countries”
Indeed, if any region of the world exemplifies the changing face of global integration, that region is Scandinavia, where Sweden, Finland, and Norway have turned their traditional engineering and manufacturing prowess to work in the information technology boom while further opening their countries to trade and investment flows. 1、that region is Scandinavia是主句
2、if any region of the world exemplifies the changing face of global integration是条件状语从句
3、where Sweden ...and investment flows是非限制性定语从句,补充说明“Scandinavia”,其中:“while further opening their countries to trade and investment flows”是省略了主语(Sweden, Finland, and Norway)的时间状语从句,说明谓语动词“have turned”发生的时间
Although other countries have since pulled ahead in levels of Internet penetration, Finland has witnessed rising levels of trade and investment that have pushed it into the fifth position overall in the Globalization Index, much higher than it would have placed only a few years ago. 1、Finland has witnessed rising levels of trade and investment是主句
2、Although other countries have since pulled ahead in levels of Internet penetration 是让步状语从句
3、that have pushed it … years ago 是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“levels of trade and investment”,其中:much higher than it would have placed only a few years ago是个省略了关系代词和谓语动词“which is”的非限制性定语从句,补充说明“the fifth position”,其内还有“than”引导的比较状语从句“than it would have placed only a few years ago”,其中的“would have placed”采用的是虚拟语气,表示对过去的非真实的假设
The fact that Sweden, Finland, and the rest of Scandinavia have been able to nurtured fast moving technological developments with their traditionally lumbering regulatory and tax regimes offers an unexpected contradiction, confusing traditional assumptions about how high levels of regulation impede globalization. 1、The fact offers an unexpected contradiction 是主句
2、that Sweden…and tax regimes是同位语从句,说明“fact”的内容
3、confusing traditional assumptions about how high levels of regulation impede globalization 是现在分词短语,作伴随状语,说明和谓语动词同时或几乎同时发生、但属于次重要地位的动作,其中的“how high levels of regulation impede globalization”是宾语从句,作介词“about”的宾语
Emerging-market countries that are highly globalized (such as Poland, Israel, the Czech Republic, and Hungary) exhibit a much more egalitarian distribution of income than emerging-market nations that rank near the bottom of the Globalization Index (such as Russia and Argentina). 1、Emerging-market countries (such as Poland, Israel, the Czech Republic, and Hungary) exhibit a much more egalitarian distribution of income是主句,such as Poland, Israel, the Czech Republic, and Hungary是定语,修饰名词“countries”
2、that are highly globalized是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“countries”
3、than emerging-market nations that rank near the bottom of the Globalization Index (such as Russia and Argentina) (do) 是比较状语从句,和“more”一起构成比较;其中的“that rank near the bottom of the Globalization Index”是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“nations”,“such as Russia and Argentina”也修饰名词“nations”