
The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) is only seized of matters when a WTO Member government lodges a complaint about a dispute where the complaining government believes that benefits accruing to it are being impaired by the actions of another Member government. 在此句中
1)“The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) is only seized of matters”是主句
2)“when a WTO Member government … another Member government”是时间状语从句,说明主句中谓语动词发生的时间,其中“where the complaining government … government”是限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“dispute”,在定语从句中还有一个由“that”引导的从句,作动词“believes”的宾语;另外,现在分词短语“accruing to it”作定语,修饰名词“benefits”。
It goes on to say that a mutually acceptable solution “consistent with the covered (WTO) agreements is clearly to be preferred,” which of course foresees the possibility that a dispute can be settled in a way that is inconsistent with WTO rules. 在此句中
1)“It goes on to say”是主句
2)“that a mutually acceptable solution …with WTO rules”是由从属连词“that”引导的从句,作“say”的宾语,其中:
①形容词短语“consistent with the covered (WTO) agreements”作定语,修饰名词“solution”
② “which of course … with WTO rules”是非限制性的定语从句,补充说明前面所提到的事,即“ a mutually acceptable solution consistent with the covered (WTO) agreements is clearly to be preferred”,在这个非限制性的定语从句中
③“that a dispute can be settled in a way that is inconsistent with WTO rules”是个同位语从句,说明“possibility”的内容,其中的“that is inconsistent with WTO rules”是另一个限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“way”
The ability to settle disputes notwithstanding a continuing violation of WTO norms should be the first yellow flag to analysts considering the WTO system as a model for environmental governance. yellow flag原指“检疫中表示船上由疫病而悬挂的黄旗”,也称检疫旗,此处是说不遵守世贸裁决这样问题应引起人们的警觉和重视
If the original complaining party believes that compliance has not ensued, it may lodge a DSU Article 21.5 complaint which brings back the original panel to review the quality of compliance. 在此句中
1)“it may lodge a DSU Article 21.5 complaint”是主句
2)“If the original complaining party believes that compliance has not ensued”是条件状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语动词“may lodge”,其中从句“that compliance has not ensued”作动词“believes”的宾语
3)限制性定语从句“which brings back the original panel to review the quality of compliance”修饰名词“complaint”
Second, although the Appellate Body has created some space for the filing of amicus curiae briefs, in no instance so far has a panel or the Appellate Body acknowledged taking a brief into account that was submitted independently of a government's submission. 在此句中
1)“in no instance so far has a panel or the Appellate Body acknowledged taking a brief into account”是主句,因为句子以否定意义的词语“in no instance”开始,所以采用倒装的结构,即主语“a panel or the Appellate Body”放在助动词“has”之后
2)“although the Appellate Body has created some space for the filing of amicus curiae briefs”是让步状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语动词“has(not)acknowledged”
3)限制性定语从句“that was submitted independently of a government's submission”修饰名词“brief”
That may not be true any more, but the WTO continues to issue decisions that have environmental and health implications – for example, in 2001, there were decisions regarding asbestos and the shrimp-turtle dispute. 1)这是个并列复合句,并列连词“but”连接前后两个并列句
2)在后一个并列句中,限制性定语从句“that have environmental and health implications”修饰名词“decisions”,破折号后的成分相当于同位语,说明“decisions”的内容
The crude version of these criticisms is that it is wrong for sovereign governments to allow faceless bureaucrats to pass judgment on their laws and to call into question democratic domestic decision-making. 在此句中
1)“The crude version of these criticisms is”是主句
2)“that it is wrong for sovereign governments to allow faceless bureaucrats to pass judgment on their laws and to call into question democratic domestic decision-making”是表语从句,其中“it”是形式主语,实际主语是带逻辑主语的两个动词不定式“for sovereign governments to allow faceless bureaucrats to pass judgment on their laws”和“(for sovereign governments)to call into question democratic domestic decision-making”
A distinguishable concern is that the Appellate Body is making mistakes in not interpreting WTO rules as the governments intended and is changing the rights and obligations of governments, even though it is instructed not to do that. 在此句中
1)“A distinguishable concern is”是主句
2)“that the Appellate Body … not to do that”是表语从句,其中“is making mistakes”和“is changing the rights and obligations…”是两个并列谓语;介词短语“in not interpreting WTO rules as the governments intended”作状语,修饰“is making mistakes”,其中的方式状语从句“as the governments intended”修饰“not interpreting”;让步状语从句“even though it is instructed not to do that”修饰“is changing the rights and obligations…”
Moreover, the WTO Agreement has a mechanism that governments can use to issue binding interpretations of WTO rules that can correct future panels. 在此句中
1)“the WTO Agreement has a mechanism”是主句
2)限制性定语从句“that governments can use to issue binding interpretations of WTO rules that can correct future panels”修饰名词“mechanism”,其中“that can correct future panels”是另一个限制性定语从句,修饰名词“rules”
A more subtle claim is that even if (or when) the Appellate Body decides a case in a way that the drafters of the WTO had not intended, there is no way in practice that this unexpected interpretation can be reversed. 在此句中
1)“A more subtle claim is”是主句
2)“that even if … can be reversed”是表语从句,其中
①“there is no way in practice that this unexpected interpretation can be reversed”是主句,“that this unexpected interpretation can be reversed”是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“way”
②“even if (or when) the Appellate Body decides a case in a way that the drafters of the WTO had not intended”是让步(或时间)状语从句,修饰谓语动词“is (no way)”,限制性定语从句“that the drafters of the WTO had not intended”修饰名词“way”
This claim is part of a broad concern that the WTO has operated in an imbalanced fashion because the judicial arm has been so robust while the legislative arm has been so moribund. 在此句中
1)“This claim is part of a broad concern”是主句
2)“that the WTO has operated…moribund”是同位语从句,说明“concern”的内容,其中
①“the WTO has operated in an imbalanced fashion”是主要部分
②“because the judicial arm has been so robust while the legislative arm has been so moribund ”是原因状语从句,修饰谓语动词“has operated”,另外,“while”在此是并列连词,连接的分句“the legislative arm has been so moribund”与“the judicial arm has been so robust”构成对照
The WTO Agreement established several subsidiary bodies but they are not comparable in activity to the subsidiary bodies acting under multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) or autonomous institutional arrangements, as one recent seminal article calls them. 这是个并列复合句,并列连词“but”连接前后两个并列句,在后一个并列句中,现在分词短语“acting under … calls them”作定语,修饰名词“subsidiary bodies”;“as one recent seminal article calls them”是个非限制性的定语从句,修饰“multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs)”和“autonomous institutional arrangements”,对它们进行补充说明
This jurisdictional issue came up early in the Foreign Sales Corporation case, where the U.S. government argued unsuccessfully that the EC should have brought the matter to the OECD. 在此句中
1)“This jurisdictional issue came up early in the Foreign Sales Corporation case”是主句
2)“where the U.S. government … the OECD”是非限制性定语从句,修饰名词“case”,其中从句“that the EC should have brought the matter to the OECD”作“argued”的宾语。
3)情态动词should + 动词不定式的完成式have brought 在这儿表示的是未履行的义务,即,欧盟本应该把这件事提交给经济合作与发展组织处理,而他们没有去做。
The most distinguishing feature of WTO dispute settlement is that a finding of a violation can lead to a trade sanction if the scofflaw government does not comply. 在此句中
1)“The most distinguishing feature of WTO dispute settlement”是主句
2)“that a finding of a violation can lead to a trade sanction if the scofflaw government does not comply”是表语从句,其中的“if the scofflaw government does not comply”是条件状语从句,修饰谓语动词“can lead to”
It is somewhat ironic that the trading system, which ostensibly favors trade, is so willing to undo the benefits of trade through authorized trade retaliation. 在此句中
1)“It is somewhat ironic”是主句,“it”是形式主语,实际主语是后面“that”引导的从句
2)“that the trading … trade retaliation”是主语从句,其中非限制性定语从句“which ostensibly favors trade”修饰名词“trading system”;另外,介词短语“through authorized trade retaliation”修饰 动词不定式“to undo the benefits of trade”
Thus, when the WTO authorized Canada and the United States to retaliate against the EC by raising tariffs on agricultural products from Europe, the WTO as an institution did not seem to care that frustrated American consumers would be injured (in addition to the frustrated European farmers). 在此句中
1)“the WTO as an institution did not seem to care”是主句
2)“when the WTO authorized … from Europe”是时间状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语动词“did not seem to care”;介词短语“by raising tariffs on agricultural products from Europe”修饰动词不定式“to retaliate against the EC”
3)从句“that frustrated American consumers would be injured (in addition to the frustrated European farmers)”作动词不定式“to care”的宾语
Rather than the “stick” of the WTO, it is better to use carrots to get governments to comply… stick and carrot (胡萝卜加大棒)是英语中的固定说法,意思是“软硬兼施,好则奖励,坏则惩罚”。
Although over 20 MEAs provide for recourse to trade measures, none of them is a trade sanction in the same way that the WTO uses them. 在此句中
1)“none of them is a trade sanction in the same way”是主句
2)“Although over 20 MEAs provide for recourse to trade measures”是个让步状语从句,修饰主句中的系表结构“is a trade sanction”
3)“that the WTO uses them”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰 “way”,“in the same way that the WTO uses them”作状语修饰主句中的系表结构“is a trade sanction”,表示方式
These trade measures are predicated on an entirely different principle than the trade measures that the WTO employs in the DSU, when it authorizes one country to sanction another. 在此句中
1)“These trade measures are predicated on an entirely different principle than the trade measures”是主句
2)“that the WTO employs in the DSU, when it authorizes one country to sanction another”是限制性定语从句,修饰名词“measures”,其中时间状语从句“when it authorizes one country to sanction another”修饰动词“employs”,说明其时间。
Three data points are too small of a set to draw a conclusion about the inefficacy of trade sanctions, or the threat of trade sanctions, to induce trade compliance. 这句虽然有点长,但是个简单句,其中
1)“too small of a set to draw a conclusion”是由“too”+ 形容词 + 动词不定式构成的结构,表示“太…以致不能”的意思
2)介词短语“about the inefficacy of trade sanctions, or the threat of trade sanctions, to induce trade compliance”作定语,修饰名词“conclusion”,其中的动词不定式“to induce trade compliance”作定语,修饰名词“inefficacy”