
Special Terms

single market


single currency


multinational company


pricing policy


price transparency


euro zone


banking system


financial-services industry


wholesale market


money and bond markets


interbank unsecured-money market


secured market


unsecured market


eurobond market


corporate market


equity investor


equity market


stock exchange


clearing and settlement systems


clearing mechanism


settlement system


clearing and settlement cycles


full legal ownership


beneficial ownership

Beneficial ownership is the ownership enjoyed by anyone who has the benefits of ownership of a security or property, and yet does not nominally own the asset itself.受益性所有权

retail financial services


Eu (European union)

An economic and political confederation of European nations, and other organizations (with the same member nations) that share a common foreign and security policy and co-operate on justice and home affairs. Fifteen Countries—Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden—are full members of the organizations of the EU. 欧盟


Insead is widely recognized as one of the world’s largest and most influential graduate business schools, with a tradition of innovation from its creation in 1957 as a “non-national” European institute, to the opening of the permanent Asia Campus in October 2000. At the dawn of the twenty-first century,?? Insead’s Fontainebleau( 枫丹白露) and Singapore campuses are the twin hubs of a growing global knowledge network, redefining the traditional business-school model and exploring the potential of online learning.

economic integration

The integration of commercial and financial activities among countries through the abolishment of economic discrimination. 经济一体化


Royal Philips Electronics is one of the world’s biggest electronics companies and Europe’s largest. It is a global leader in color television sets, lighting, electric shavers, color picture tubes for televisions and monitors, and one-chip TV products. 飞利浦公司


Ducati Motor Holding s. p. a. is a manufacturer of high-performance motorcycles. The company has four high-performance lines of motorcycles. The company also offers spare parts, accessories, technical riding gear and enthusiast apparel and licensing.

European Commission

The administrative arm of the European Community Executive, head by a President and 20 commissioners and divided into 23 Directorate Generals. It has the sole right to initiate EC legislation. It drafts legislative proposals which are presented to the Parliament and Council. It also supervises EC activities and legislation. 欧洲委员会

General Electric (GE)

General Electric Company (GE) is a diversified industrial company engaged in developing, manufacturing and marketing a wide variety of products for the generation, transmission, distribution, control and utilization of electricity. GE’s products include major appliances, lighting products, industrial automation products, medical diagnostic imaging equipment, motors, electrical distribution and control equipment, locomotives; power generation and delivery products, nuclear power support services and fuel assemblies, commercial and military aircraft jet engines and engineered materials such as plastics, silicones and super-abrasive industrial diamonds. Through its affiliate,? the National Broadcasting Company, Inc., GE delivers network television services, operates television stations and provides cable, Internet and multimedia programming and distribution services. Through another affiliate, General Electric Capital Services, Inc., GE offers a broad array of financial and other services. It operates in more than 100 countries and employs 310 000 people world wide. GE is the only company listed in the Dow Jones Industrial Index today that was also included in the original index in 1896. (美国)通用电气公司

pooled accounts


European Parliament (EP)

The directly elected assembly of the EC, with limited legislative and juridical competence, though this has been extended in successive treaty amendments. It has the right of scrutiny and supervision of EC executives, and participates in the legislative and budgetary processes. 欧洲议会

European Central Bank (ECB)

13. 例如:
The bank created to administer monetary policy for the countries that have converted to the euro. 欧洲中央银行

capital market

the market that facilitates the trading in long-term debt and equity instruments.资本市场

money market

the market that provides short term debt financing and investment that mature in less than one year and are very liquid such as negotiable certificates of deposit, Eurodollar certificates of deposit, commercial paper, banker's acceptances, Treasury bills, etc.金融市场

bond market?

the market that provides financing through the issuance of Bonds, and enables the subsequent trading thereof.债券市场


1)In general, availability of funds to meet claims. An economic agent is considered to have high liquidity, or to be highly liquid, if all its financial holdings, or assets, are in cash; and to have low liquidity if its holdings are all in forms, such as property, commodities and long-term securities, that are difficult to convert into exact amounts of ready cash.
2)In banking, liquidity refers to a commercial bank’s ability to meet withdrawals of deposits, and relates to the bank’s holdings of cash and short-term assets. 流动性


In banking and finance, clearing denotes all activities from the time a commitment is made for a transaction until it is settled. Clearing is necessary because the speed of trades is much faster than the cycle time for completing the underlying transaction.票据交换


The accounting process recording the respective debit and credit positions of the two parties involved in a transfer of funds. Funds are available for use and may be drawn at any time afterward.清算

Central Counterparty Clearing House – CCP

An organization which exists in various European countries that helps facilitate trading done in European derivatives and equities markets. These clearing houses are often operated by the major banks in the country. The house's prime responsibility is to provide efficiency and stability to the financial markets that they operate in.
There are two main processes that are carried out by CCPs: clearing and settlement of market transactions. Clearing relates to identifying the obligations of both parties on either side of a transaction. Settlement occurs when the final transfer of securities and funds occur.
CCPs benefit both parties in a transaction because they bear most of the credit risk. If two individuals deal with one another, the buyer bears the credit risk of the seller, and vice versa. When a CCP is used the credit risk that is held against both buyer and seller is coming from the CCP, which in all likelihood is much less than in the previous situation.


ownership interest in a corporation in the form of common stock or preferred stock. It also refers to total assets minus total liabilities, in which case it is also referred to as shareholder's equity or net worth or book value.股权

vested interests 

those groups that seek to maintain or control an existing system or activity from which they derive private benefit.既得利益者

beneficial owner

Person who enjoys the benefits of ownership, even though the title is in another name. Any individual or group of individuals that, either directly or indirectly, has the power to vote or influence the transaction decisions regarding a specific security. When shares of a mutual fund are held by a custodian bank or when securities are held by a broker in Street Name, the real owner is the beneficial owner, even though, for safety or convenience, the bank or broker holds title.受益性所有人