

a strand of


  1. a strand of pearls
  2. a strand of radicals
  3. a strand of research

turn out


  1. The economic situation in the country turned out to be as bad as feared.
  2. It was a difficult time, but eventually things turned out all right. 那是段困难的时光,但最终的结果还都不错。
  3. Julie has turned out to be the best student in our class.结果证明朱莉是我们班上最好的学生

pick up


  1. If the global economy picks up soon, foreign capital will selectively return to the region.

Leave off


  1. There is still no sign of the speculation leaving off.

in isolation


  1. Looked at in isolation, the economic situation is rather encouraging.

In sb’s/ sth’s wake


  1. The depression has brought some social changes in its wake.

do away with


  1. The existing rules and regulations have to be done away with.
  2. People thought that the use of robots would do away with boring low-paid factory jobs. 人们曾经认为工厂在使用机器人之后就可以消除烦人的低报酬工作。
  3. These ridiculous rules and regulations should have been done away with years ago. 这些荒唐的规则早该在几年前就抛弃了。

at the outset


  1. Problems arose at the very outset.
  2. The dollar opened higher at the outset against the European currencies.

dry up


  1. He feared that his savings might dry up soon.
  2. Foreign investment may dry up. 来自国外的投资可能会停止。
  3. His main source of work dried up, leaving him short of money. 他打工的主要活源枯竭了,结果使他囊中羞涩。

shine a light on


  1. Recent survey has shed some light on the problem.
  2. shine a spotlight on
  3. shed / cast / throw light on sth.
  4. The investigation shone new light on the mystery. 调查报告使人进一步了解了这个谜。
  5. As an economist, he was able to shed some light on the problem. 作为经济学家,他设法让人们对这个问题有所了解。

eat up


  1. A car is a real boon, but it eats up money.

on top


  1. After years in the wilderness, their business is back on top.

in favor of


  1. The council has voted in favor for a $ 200 million housing development.


formal; although 虽然

  1. The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet. 那个夜晚过得很愉快,虽然有点安静。
  2. He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation. 虽然有点犹豫,但他还是接受了那份工作。

in the wake of

as a result of 因为

  1. Airport security is extra tight in the wake of yesterday's terrorists’ attacks. 由于昨天恐怖分子的恐怖活动,机场的安保加强了。
  2. In the wake of Thailand's economic troubles, Malaysia's currency also sank. 由于泰国经济出现的麻烦,马来西亚的货币跟着贬值了。

as yet

used when saying that something has not happened up to now 至今,迄今

  1. We've had no luck as yet. 我们至今还没有遇到好运气。
  2. We haven't needed extra staff as yet, but may do in the future. 我们目前还不需要增加人手,但今后可能会需要的。

point to

to make it seem likely that a particular fact is true or that a particular event will happen 显示很可能会 …

  1. All the evidence points to suicide. 所有证据表明是自杀。
  2. Many politicians have pointed to the need for a written constitution. 许多政治家指出需要一个书面的宪法。

Compare: point out
to tell someone something that they did not already know or had not thought about in the past指出

  1. The tour guide pointed out the inscription that runs round the inside of the dome. 导游指出刻在穹顶内墙上的铭文。
  2. Analysts pointed out that there is little historical evidence to support this theory. 分析家指出,没有历史方面的证据支持这种理论。

at first sight

the first time that you look at someone or something, before you notice any details 乍一看

  1. At first sight the twins look identical. 乍一看, 这两双胞胎看上去长得一样。
  2. At first sight, there didn't appear to be much damage. 乍一看,似乎没有造成很大损失。

allow for

to make it possible for something to happen or for someone to do something, especially something helpful or useful 使 … 成为可能

  1. Our new system will allow for more efficient use of resources. 我们的新系统能使我们更有效地利用资源。

all too

used before an adjective or an adverb to emphasize a negative meaning 非常

  1. The holidays flew by all too quickly. 假日过得太快了。
  2. Beggars are becoming an all too familiar sight in our cities.乞丐正在成为我们城市很常见的一“景”。

    Compare: only too
    used before an adjective or an adverb to emphasize a positive meaning 非常
    He was only too pleased to help. 他非常愿意帮忙。

on top

in addition to something, especially something unpleasant 除 … 之外(还)

  1. We missed the train, and on top of that we had to wait for two hours for the next one. 我们误了火车,此外,我们得等两个钟点下班火车才来。
  2. Hail came on top of a violent thunderstorm. 一阵凶猛的雷雨后,紧接着下起了冰雹

be under pressure to do something 

在压力下做 …

  1. The minister was under pressure to resign. 部长在压力下辞职了。
  2. He was under pressure from his parents to become a teacher. 他在父母的压力下去当了老师。