

Put those together, and the U.S. can most likely sustain annual gross-domestic-product growth of around 3.5%.

  1. 这个句子采用了一个特殊的结构,前半部分是个祈使句,后半部分是个陈述句,之间用连词and连接,其中的祈使句相当于一个“if-条件状语从句”,陈述句表示的是结果。如:
    1. Open the case, and you will find a beautiful present.打开这个盒子,你会发现一件精美的礼物。
    2. Try and you will succeed.尝试一下,你会成功的。
  2. 在这个结构中,如果祈使句和陈述句之间用or, 而不是用and连接,则祈使句就相当于unless引导的条件状语从句,又如,
    1. Keep off the fire, or you may get burned.别靠近火,否则你会(被)烫伤的。
    2. Put on more clothes, or you may catch a cold.多穿点衣服,否则你会感冒的。

Innovation, once funded by fairly stable corporate research-and-development budgets and government grants, is whipsawed by fluctuations in financing from venture capitalists and initial public offerings.

  1. “Innovation is whipsawed by fluctuations in financing from venture capitalists and initial public offerings.”是主句,谓语采用的是被动语态 “is whipsawed by”。
  2. “once funded by fairly stable corporate research-and-development budgets and government grants”是过去分词短语,作定语,修饰“innovation”,相当于非限定性定语从句 “which was once funded by fairly stable corporate research-and-development budgets and government grants”。

And they argue that recent downward revisions of historical GDP data solidify their case that the profit and productivity surge of the period was not as strong as first believed.

  1. 在这个句子中,“And they argue”是主句,“that recent downward revisions of historical GDP data solidify their case that the profit and productivity surge of the period was not as strong as first believed”是宾语从句,“that the profit and productivity surge of the period was not as strong as first believed”是同位语从句,说明“case”的内容。“as strong as first believed”是个比较结构。

Harvard University economist Dale W. Jorgenson dates the acceleration to November, 1995, when Intel Corp.’s product cycle for its microprocessors shrank from three years to two with the early introduction of the Pentium Pro.

  1. 在这个句子中,“Harvard University economist Dale W. Jorgenson dates the acceleration to November, 1995”是主句,“when Intel Corp.’s product cycle for its microprocessors shrank from three years to two with the early introduction of the Pentium Pro”是非限制性的定语从句,修饰“November, 1995”,其中介词短语“with the early introduction of the Pentium Pro”修饰谓语动词“shrank”。

But now, tech companies that need money, especially startups, are getting the door slammed in their faces.

getting the door slammed in their faces 原意为“当面将门撞上”,在此句中意为“将路堵死,拒绝”。

Yang is proud to have put seed money into Tivo Inc., a now-struggling company that makes it easy for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a digital recorder.


  1. “Yang is proud to have put seed money into Tivo Inc.”是主句;
  2. “a now-struggling company that makes it easy for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a digital recorder”是名词性成分,作同位语,说明Tivo Inc.的情况;
  3. “that makes it easy for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a recorder”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“company”;
  4. 在“makes it easy for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a digital recorder”中,“it”是形式宾语,代替作为真正宾语的动词不定式“for busy people like Yang himself to save TV programs on a digital recorder”,“easy”作宾语补足语。