
Goods will flow directly between suppliers and customers and end customers, controlled by just-in-time shipment. 在准时运输(系统)的控制下货物在供应商和最终用户之间直接流动。
Companies might also be able to develop economies of scale in production by adopting automated flexible manufacturing processes. 公司还可能通过采用自动化柔性生产流程在生产中发展规模经济。
When IBM made this decision, computers were highly integrated products produced in an industry that was essentially vertical. 当IBM作出这个决定时,计算机是一个本质上垂直联合的行业中高度一体化的产
vertical意为“纵向联合的”,指包括从生产到销售全部过程的(Relating to or involving all stages from production to sale).
Dell’s volume is sufficient inducement for most suppliers to absorb the capital costs and risks associated with supporting Dell’s supply structure. 戴尔的业务量足以诱使大多数供应商承担和支持与戴尔的供应结构有关的资本成本和风险。
But to understand the effect of e-commerce, it is important to recognize that this is not the first time the supply chain has undergone a revolution. 1、it is important to recognize 是主句,动词不定式to recognize…作句中的实际主语,“it”是形式主语
2、动词不定式to understand the effect of e-commerce作目的状语
3、that this … a revolution是宾语从句,作“recognize”的宾语,其中的“the supply chain has undergone a revolution”作修饰“time”的定语从句
Those who recognized this fact developed business models that took advantage of the opportunity by expanding and integrating operations within the company. 1、Those developed business models 是主句
2、who recognized this fact 是限制性定语从句,修饰“those”
3、that took advantage of the opportunity by expanding and integrating operations within the company是另一个限制性定语从句,修饰名词“business models”,其中的介词短语“by expanding and integrating operations within the company”,作方式状语,修饰动词词组“took advantage of”
This cash flow then enabled companies to buy raw materials in large quantities at lower costs, with lower credit terms and, thus, to self-finance expansion. 1、This cash flow then enabled companies 是主要部分
2、to buy raw materials in large quantities at lower costs, with lower credit terms 和 to self-finance expansion两个动词不定式都作宾语companies的补足语,在前一个动词不定式中,in large quantities,at lower costs和with lower credit terms三个介词短语,都修饰动词buy,表示方式
The success of these strategies was based on the introduction of mechanisms that reduced uncertainty and non-productive delays, enabled information to be shared and coordinated decision-making throughout the supply chain. 1、The success of these strategies was based on the introduction of mechanisms是主句
2、that reduced … supply chain是限制性定语从句,修饰名词mechanisms,其中有三个并列的谓语动词reduced uncertainty and non-productive delays, enabled information to be shared 和 coordinated decision-making throughout the supply chain
It might present a choice between a rapid response for components that are in stock (and perhaps more expensive) and a delay for fulfilling the configuration initially requested with components that are unavailable but on order. 1、It might present a choice between a rapid response for components and a delay for fulfilling the configuration initially requested with components是主句,其中的“initially requested with components”是过去分词短语,作定语,修饰名词“configuration”
2、that are in stock (and perhaps more expensive) 和 that are unavailable but on order是两个限制性的定语从句,分别修饰前后两个“components”