
match…with … 使与…相配,使同时发生
  1. In international trade, it is difficult to match the payment with the physical delivery of the goods.
  2. The artist spent hours matching the color of the table with that of the wall.
be characterized by 具有…的特征,特点
  1. The new firm was characterized by innovation and flexibility.
  2. This beautiful island is characterized by towering mountain.
  3. This election campaign has been characterized by violence.
be replaced by 被…取代
  1. The traditional rewarding system was replaced by a new one a couple of years ago.
  2. Our international trade has become so large that our stocks have to be constantly replaced.
take advantage of 利用
  1. He suggested that we take advantage of the current market trend and place a sizable order.
  2. The human resource manager urged all employees to take advantage of all training and educational opportunities.
make the most of 尽量利用,充分利用
  1. He was determined to make the most of the educational opportunity.
  2. He has made the most of his interpersonal skills and established a large customer base.
integrate with 与…结合起来
  1. The new CEO decided to integrate the sales department with the marketing department.
  2. This component will not function unless it is integrated with another component.
realize the potential of 利用,开发…的潜力
  1. The current rewarding system must be reformed in order to realize the full potential of the employees.
  2. This country is far from realizing the potential of its manufacturing capacity.
become customized 变为定制,变为定做
  1. To be really competitive in the market, products must become more customized. Services provided by the company have become customized.
coincide with 与…一致,与…同时
  1. Our long-term interests clearly coincide with yours.
  2. His comments coincided with the survey published earlier this month.