
look to 期望,指望
  1. I look to hear from you soon.
  2. With the introduction to the new product, the company looks to gain a larger market share this year.
leave someone to do something to let someone do or deal with something without offering help or assistance 听任;让
  1. Infected people are often rejected by their family and friends, leaving them to face this chronic condition alone.得传染病的人常常被他们的家人和朋友遗弃,只得自己去面对这慢性疾病的煎熬。
  2. Leave the future to take care of itself. 让未来自然发展吧。
to stay in the loop to be aware of information known only to a privileged few 在圈内
be inclined to 倾向于
  1. We are inclined to conclude the deal with you if you could ship the order within one moth.
  2. The general manager was inclined to adopt the second plan because he thought it was more cost effective.
be keen to 热心/渴望(做某事)
  1. They are rather keen to take on the new job.
  2. It seems that Mr. Smith is keen to close the deal with us.
stay in touch with 和…保持联系
  1. The salespersons were asked to stay in touch with their home office while they were away on a sales trip.
  2. They stayed in touch with each other through telephone and e-mail.
capitalize on to use a situation or something good that you have, in order to get an advantage for yourself利用
  1. She capitalized on her opponent’s mistake and won the game.
  2. She capitalized on her knowledge and experience to get a new and better-paid job.
  3. We should capitalize on every chance we get to improve spoken English.我们应该利用一切机会来提高英语口语。
  4. Ecuador has capitalized on its natural beauty to attract tourism.厄瓜多尔利用它的自然美景来吸引游客。
not to say (especially British English )used to introduce a stronger alternative or addition to something already said 简直可以说
  1. It would be foolish, not to say mad, to sell your car.你要卖车真蠢,简直是疯了。
miss the boat 坐失良机
  1. Although the company is not short of good strategies, it missed the boat for several times due to the indecision of the top management.
turn down 拒绝
  1. His boss turned down his request flat for job transfer.
  2. She turned down the job because it involved too much travelling.
go through the roof 增长到极大且通常出乎意料的程度
  1. Production costs went through the roof last year.
  2. If no precaution is taken, I expect the cost of manufacture will go through the roof soon.
chew up 消耗,毁坏
  1. The owners of small businesses often complain that big companies have chewed up the funds for investment.
on account of 由于
  1. He was dismissed by his boss on account of absenteeism.
  2. He soon got promoted on account of his outstanding performance.
with the consequence that = with the result that so that 因此
  1. Joan wasn't at school last week, with the result/consequence that she missed an important test.琼上周没去上课,因而没有参加一场重要的考试
  2. I was in the bath, with the result/consequence that I didn't hear the doorbell.那时我正在洗澡,因此没有听到门铃声。