

Yet despite substantial evidence that current trade policies have resulted in massive trade deficits and job losses, the Bush Administration is pressing Congress for “fast track” trade negotiating authority, by which the President could submit trade agreements to Congress for a yes or no vote without amendment.

1)“the Bush Administration is pressing … negotiating authority”是主句;
2)“Yet despite substantial evidence that … and job losses”是介词短语,作状语,修饰主句中的谓语动词“is pressing”,表示让步,其中“that current trade policies have resulted in massive trade deficits and job losses”是同位语从句,说明“evidence”的内容;
3)“by which the President could submit trade agreements to Congress for a yes or no vote without amendment”是非限制性的定语从句,修饰名词短语“‘fast track’trade negotiating authority”。

Fast-track promoters want this authority to make it easier to extend NAFTA throughout the hemisphere in a proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement and to expand the WTO in a new round of multilateral negotiations.

1)“Fast-track promoters want this authority to make”是主干部分;
2)动词不定式短语“to make it easier to extend … multilateral negotiations”作动词“want”后的宾语“this authority”的补足语,对其进行补充说明;
3)在动词不定式短语“to make it easier to extend … multilateral negotiations”中,“it”是形式宾语,实际的宾语是两个动词不定式“to extend NAFTA … agreement”和“to expand the WTO … negotiations”,“easier”是宾语补足语,对宾语,即,两个动词不定式的内容进行补充说明。
The heavy rain made it impossible to play football.那场大雨使得踢足球成为泡影。
Computers make it more efficient to process the documents.计算机使得人们能够更有效地处理文件。

House Appropriations Committee Chairman Bill Thomas has repeatedly urged that Congress include fast track authority in any economic stimulus plan.

动词“urge(敦促)”在后接宾语从句时,从句中的谓语动词要用“(should) + 不带‘to’的动词不定式”的形式,其中的“should”常常被省略,如:
Investigators urged that safety procedures at the site (should) be improved.调查人员敦促改善那个地方的安全程序。
He urged that a referendum (should) be held by December.他敦促在十二月之前举行公民复决。

Fast track by itself, a procedural rule designed to facilitate passage of new trade agreements, will have no effect of any kind on the economy.

“a procedural rule designed to facilitate passage of new trade agreements”是同位语,说明“Fast track”的内容,其中过去分词短语“designed to facilitate passage of new trade agreements”作定语,修饰名词短语“a procedural rule”。

As a result, the underlying employment problems related to trade, especially in the manufacturing sector, will be much costlier and more visible over the next few years than they were in the 1990s, when the U.S. economy was generating two or three million jobs per year.

1)“the underlying employment problems …over the next few years”是主句,其中过去分词短语“related to trade”和介词短语“especially in the manufacturing sector”都作定语,修饰名词短语“employment problems”;
2)“than they were in the 1990s”是比较状语从句,和“costlier”以及“more visible”一起构成比较;
3)“when the U.S. economy was generating two or three million jobs per year”是非限制性定语从句,修饰“the 1990s”。

If the U.S. had achieved balanced trade in this period, as was predicted by the advocates of NAFTA and the WTO, U.S. manufacturing would be much stronger today and in a much better position to weather the downturn that is now under way.

1)“U.S. manufacturing would … the downturn”是主句;
2)“If the U.S. had achieved … NAFTA and the WTO”是条件状语从句,其中“as was predicted by the advocates of NAFTA and the WTO”是非限制性的定语从句,对“the U.S. had achieved balanced trade in this period”这个句子所陈述的内容进行说明;
3)主句“U.S. manufacturing would … the downturn”和“If the U.S. had achieved … NAFTA and the WTO”条件状语从句一起,构成一个虚拟结构,if-从句提出虚拟的假设,主句表示虚拟的结果;
4)另外,“that is now under way”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“downturn”。

But the fact that 25 steel-producing companies, now including Bethlehem Steel, have declared bankruptcy reveals that rapidly growing trade deficits have had corrosive effects on the U.S. industrial base.

1)“But the fact reveals”是主句;
2)“that 25 steel-producing companies, now including Bethlehem Steel, have declared bankruptcy”是同位语从句,说明“fact”的内容;
3)“that rapidly growing trade deficits have had corrosive effects on the U.S. industrial base”是宾语从句,作动词“reveals”的宾语。

These agreements, and globalization more generally, have also contributed to rising income inequality, depressed real wages for production workers, and increased numbers of companies using threats to move plants to China, Mexico, and other countries to reduce wages, eliminate benefits and work rules, and thwart union organizing campaigns.

1)谓语动词“have contributed to”后有三个宾语“rising income inequality”、“ depressed real wages for production workers”和“increased numbers of companies”;
2)现在分词短语“using threats to … campaigns”作定语,修饰名词“companies”,其中:
①动词不定式短语“to move plants to China, Mexico, and other countries”作定语,修饰名词“threats”
②动词不定式短语“to reduce wages”、“(to) eliminate benefits and work rules”和“(to) thwart union organizing campaigns”作状语,修饰现在分词“using”,说明其目的。

Before riding a fast track to further agreements, it seems sensible to pause and ask why NAFTA and the WTO were powerless to stem these losses, or whether they perhaps played a role.

1)“it seems sensible to pause and ask”是主句,其中,“it”是形式主语,实际主语是动词不定式“to pause and ask”;
2)“Before riding a fast track to further agreements”是介词短语,作状语,修饰主句中的谓语“seems sensible”,表示时间;
3)“why NAFTA and the WTO were powerless to stem these losses”和“whether they perhaps played a role”是两个宾语从句,作动词不定式“(to) ask”的宾语 。

The primary mechanism driving this growth has been the movement of foreign direct investment by the U.S., in the form of factories and even complete supply networks in some cases, to Mexico and Canada.

1)“The primary mechanism has been the movement”是主系表结构;
2)现在分词短语“driving this growth”修饰名词“mechanism”作定语;
3)“of foreign direct investment by the U.S.”、“ in the form of factories and even complete supply networks in some cases”和“to Mexico and Canada”是三个介词短语,都修饰名词“movement”。

The sustained and substantial appreciation of the U.S. dollar – more than 31% since the second quarter of 1995, using the Federal Reserve’s broad index of its real (inflation-adjusted) value – greatly stimulated FDI around the world, especially in Mexico, China, and other developing countries.

1)“The sustained and substantial appreciation of the U.S. dollar greatly stimulated FDI”是句中的主语和谓语;
2)“more than 31% since the second quarter of 1995”是同位语,说明“appreciation of the U.S. dollar”的内容;
3)“using the Federal Reserve’s broad index of its real (inflation-adjusted) value”是现在分词短语作定语,修饰名词短语“appreciation of the U.S. dollar”;
4)“around the world, especially in Mexico, China, and other developing countries”是介词短语,作定语,修饰名词“FDI (foreign direct investment)”。

One of the principle differences between the WTO and the GATT – the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade that governed world trade from the end of World War II until December 31, 1994 – is that the WTO agreement created a new institution (the WTO) with the power to interpret and enforce the agreement’s rules.

1)“One of the principle differences between the WTO and the GATT”是主语,“it”是连系动词;
2)“the General Agreement … until December 31, 1994”是“GATT”的同位语,对其进行说明,其中“that governed world trade from the end of World War II until December 31, 1994”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰“the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade”;
3)“that the WTO agreement … agreement’s rules”是表语从句,其中介词短语“with the power to interpret and enforce the agreement’s rules”修饰名词“institution”。

The WTO has found on several occasions that U.S. laws providing tax exemptions for certain “foreign sales corporations” (FSCs) are illegal.

1)“The WTO has found”是主句;
2)“that U.S. laws … (FSCs) are illegal”是宾语从句,其中现在分词短语“providing tax exemptions for certain ‘foreign sales corporations’(FSCs)”作定语,修饰名词“U.S. laws”。

The European Union recently sought and received authorization from the WTO (a decision that is under appeal) to impose $4 billion in sanctions on U.S. goods because the U.S. failed to change these laws.

1)“The European Union recently sought and received authorization”是主句;
2)介词短语“from the WTO”作状语,修饰谓语动词“received”,表示地点;
3)“a decision that is under appeal”是同位语,说明“authorization”的内容,其中“that is under appeal”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“decision”;
4)动词不定式“to impose $4 billion in sanctions on U.S. goods”作定语,修饰名词“authorization”;
5)“because the U.S. failed to change these laws”是原因状语从句,修饰主句中的谓语动词“sought”和“received”。

There is no doubt that, in the long run, a system of both free trade and fair trade which ensures that all participants play by a well-defined set of humane, market-based rules can maximize incomes for most, if not all, countries around the world.

“There is no doubt”是主句;
“that, in the long run … countries around the world”是同位语从句,说明名词“doubt”的内容,其中:

  1. “a system of both freer trade and fair trade … countries around the world”是主要部分;
  2. “which ensures that all participants play by a well-defined set of humane, market-based rules”是个限制性的定语从句,修饰名词“system”,其中的“that all participants play by a well-defined set of humane, market-based rules”是宾语从句,作“ensures”的宾语;
  3. “if not all”是个省略了的条件状语从句,如果补全则是:if a system of both freer trade and fair trade cannot maximize incomes for all countries around the world。